BBSI Gives Construction Rental Company’s Operations a Lift

Running a rapidly growing business is energizing, but when the volume became more than they could handle, El Cheapo Lifts sought BBSI’s guidance in meeting demand.



BUSINESS: El Cheapo Lifts
OWNER: Bob Cooper Jr.

The Cooper family has been in the construction business for more than fifty years, so when they expanded operations to include equipment rental, they knew the industry well. El Cheapo Lifts gained momentum quickly, and owner Bob Cooper Jr. soon reached an inflection point.

Bob turned to BBSI to address the challenges El Cheapo Lifts was having meeting customer demand. His BBSI business team sat down with him to evaluate the company’s operations and come up with a strategy. That effort led to El Cheapo Lifts increasing their capacity by more than 100%.

“That increase was a direct result of working with BBSI. They are smart people who truly care about my business and my success as an owner.”

We’ve been able to sustain 50% growth over the years in part because of the roadmaps we work on together that help me visualize the goals for the company.
Bob Cooper Jr.

Founder, El Cheapo Lifts

Meaningful Moment

Transformation in a fast-paced environment can sometimes lead to issues with staff. Uncomfortable with change, some employees began looking for ways to sabotage success. Bob’s BBSI Business Partner, Sandra, saw the problem and worked with him to redefine expectations.

Sandra sees firsthand how committed Bob is to building a legacy he can be proud of.

“Bob always listens to feedback and reflects on his role as an owner. He’s constantly evolving and adapting, and his business is better for it.”


The Road Ahead

These days, Bob feels like the sky is the limit.

“Working with BBSI has allowed me to build a bigger runway for my business. I’m able to focus on the big picture work that gets me excited about the future.”

Ready to take the next step?

Contact your local BBSI branch.