BBSI Boise specializes in Payroll, Workers’ Compensation, HR, Risk, and Business Consulting Services designed to help you and your business prosper. We are located in the heart of the Treasure Valley at the Meridian Village. This location is perfectly placed to support our owners and partners throughout the community we support.
The difference between BBSI and other PEOs is our professional and local teams designed to support each customer in a unique way. We specialize our services to each customer we support. BBSI partners with professionals across the Treasure Valley, greater Idaho, and the nation in providing these services to their clients. We compensate these professionals in partnership.
In his role, Travis Brown is dedicated to growing BBSI through building relationships in the community, developing strategic partnerships with referral partners, and working with valued clients to highlight the successes achieved through working together. The greatest compliment he can receive is when clients refer their treasured business relationships. Travis looks forward to getting to know and serving his clients.
Caleb Smith is passionate about helping business owners focus on what they love, regain their time, and grow their companies. Caleb owned a company for years and was a BBSI client. After witnessing how they helped his business, he was thrilled to join the Boise team when he sold his company. Caleb's goal in every conversation with a business owner is to be helpful and leave them in a better place than when their conversation started. When not working, he enjoy spending time with his family. They can often be found at the Flicks Movie Theater in Boise.