A lot of people have always hated the Teacup ride at Disneyland. They can handle rollercoasters and drop rides, but spinning makes them sick every time. The only thing that helps them not be as sick for the rest of the day is focusing on a fixed, non-moving point for a few minutes after getting off the ride. The business landscape today feels more and more like the Teacup ride. With so many things in a state of constant change, it can very quickly feel like everything is spinning out of control. But before we all go running for the bushes, take a moment to focus and consider that our industry has never been more relevant or valuable to business owners than it is right now. We can be that fixed, non-moving point. We’re helping owners steady themselves and adjust their strategies for a new direction ahead.
These days it’s not uncommon to receive emails from clients throughout the day thanking us for helping their businesses make the necessary changes to persevere through the pandemic. Their appreciation for the guidance and support we provide has continually reinforced my belief that now, more than ever, is when the PEO value proposition really shines. What we do in our industry makes a difference for business owners, their employees, and our communities.
The job of a business owner is to focus on growing the business while managing the myriad complexities of running it, which often do not balance well. The days are filled with managing and motivating the workforce to increase productivity, finding and working with clients, processing payroll, complying with constantly changing federal and state regulations, and, of course, managing customer expectations. I often hear that owners feel there is not enough time in the day to focus on the reasons why they got into business in the first place. Now throw in a global pandemic, an economic recession, social and racial unrest, and the spinning teacup starts to accelerate.
This is where the value of our industry becomes an essential element to the success of business owners. When business owners partner with PEOs, they gain access to the knowledge and expertise of a team whose sole focus is helping navigate through all the internal and external pressures spinning around them.
BBSI’s business model is built around business units composed of teams of experts in payroll, risk and safety, human resources, business strategy, and recruiting. These team members are focused on staying ahead of the curve on all aspects of those functions, including government assistance programs such as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Payroll Protection Program (PPP), as well as state and local reopening guidelines. They are committed to ensuring that our clients are staying safe and compliant while continuing to run their businesses. They are taking the time to stay in close contact with our clients to readjust strategy, put new systems and processes in place, and provide guidance for managing their workforces so they can continue to keep the doors open.
I recently received this note from an owner who, with our help, was able to jump on the PPP loan program early and keep her doors open:
“Hi, BBSI team. First of all, thank you so much for your support this last month. I know every day has been a new horizon for all of us and I appreciate your expertise and availability! I can’t imagine navigating the past month without you. Good news: I got the PPP funding today. That means I need to hire ASAP, so I am working on that now. I will also be adjusting my pay up a little more now that I have some temporary relief and can forecast finances better. Thank you!”
This is the type of feedback that keeps us motivated and it illustrates the value we are providing during this extreme time of need. While we continue to help our clients manage through these complexities, we have also witnessed another outcome: A conscious effort on behalf of our clients to tell all their friends, neighbors, and just about anyone who will listen about the value we continue to provide. Client referrals are the best measure of the quality of work we are doing and, consequently, also the best kind of leads. As word of mouth has spread throughout the communities where we work, our phones have started to ring more. More from our client:
“On another note, I keep getting emails with fabulous information on them from BBSI and I’ve been sharing with my clients. I think you guys will have at least one new client as a result. I was raving about the value you provide for us even though we are a law firm and it seems silly to a lot of people that we farm out our payroll to you guys.”
This goodwill represents a great opportunity for all of us to seize on the momentum created by such a disruptive time and share our expertise with those who desperately need it right now. As you all know, it truly takes an industry-wide effort to raise the awareness of the value we can bring to business owners across the country. More than ever, the message we have for the business owner is relevant and powerful.
While we witness a historic shake up of the current business landscape, it’s important to remind ourselves of the value we’re bringing to so many businesses. We’re here to help them keep their lights on and their doors open. So, remember, the faster the teacup spins, the more important it is for us to be that fixed, un-moving point for our business owners. I’ve never been prouder to be a part of the PEO industry.
Area Manager
Temecula, California
Director of Sales & Channel
Vancouver, Washington