Jumpstart Your Pipeline With These 10 Tips

10 Unique Ways to 10x Your Book of Business

Have you been stuck trying to figure out how to apply your tried-and-true sales strategies to this new, fully remote world? We're here to help. We put together some fresh ideas to help you jumpstart your sales pipeline and grow your book of business.

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Download the 10 Unique Ways to 10x Your Book of Business Guide

1. Expand your network

Strategic relationships with partners and carriers can free you up to prospect and develop growth techniques by handling your daily account management and retention work.

2. Rely on your carrier rep

Comarketing with your carrier rep allows you to publish effective marketing materials online and offline without trudging through the process of planning, building, and executing collateral yourself.

3. Reduce X-mods to add value

Eliminating this unnecessary expense enables your client to channel resources into growth strategies.

4. Stop selling on price

Competitive pricing is an attractive tactic for winning accounts, but accounts that are won on price are easily lost on price or for better value.

5. Develop vertical marketing expertise

If you’re experiencing success in a particular industry, you can develop stronger connections by playing to your strengths.

6. Virtual selling

It still requires you to be “present” and charismatic, but because most of the process is virtual, it’s significantly more efficient, flexible, scalable, and, arguably, effective.

7. Embrace social media

Social media can be an inexpensive marketing and sales tool with near-unlimited reach for those dedicated to sharing their value propositions and knowledge with their network.

8. Leverage free introductory services

Introductory offers demonstrate your niche expertise and the value of your services, which creates a solid foundation for the relationship.

9. Create client referral programs

Even if your clients genuinely appreciate your value, they’re more likely to provide referrals if there’s an incentive.

10. Volunteer for a nonprofit

Nonprofits have uniquely complex insurance needs. Many are either overinsured, underinsured, or have coverage gaps that present considerable risk to their organizations.

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